Any new development or redevelopment in the Town limits of Santee must submit a Zoning Application and three (3) copies of Plan Drawings to be reviewed and approved by the Zoning Administrator and Board of Architectural Review.
Once your application and plans and been reviewed and approved, a BUILDING PERMIT must be obtained from Orangeburg County before starting any construction.
A copy of the Santee Style Book and Landscape Ordinance will be provided and should be used when planning and designing your development.
Public and Private Sector Development and Redevelopment Requirements
The design layout should include the following:
Site Plan - What and Where
- Plat of property showing location of building(s) including dimensions, easements, and setbacks.
- Driveways & sidewalks; entrances and exits and any connections to neighboring properties, including parking areas and number of spaces.
- Other Areas that may include trash area, deliveries, outdoor seating, fences or buffers when required.
Building/Structure-Design and Style (outside of building only)
- Size of building, front and side views including dimensions
- Roof lines, pitches and type (shingle, seam metal, etc.)
- Any equipment mounted to roof or building
- Porches, canopies, awnings, overhangs, and breezeways, etc. should be incorporated into the design.
- Building materials (brick, vinyl, stucco, etc. and colors)
- Windows and entrances should be on at least 50% of facades that face the street or major pedestrian ways.
- Location and types of trees including size of plantings
- Shrubs and plant beds-species and sizes
- Entrance or walkway elements (brick sidewalk, archways, etc.)
- Outside lighting-type and size
In the town limits, there exists from time to time, conditions in which some premises become a menace to public health, safety and welfare, which constitutes a public nuisance. Such conditions arise from accumulation of water resulting in the breeding of mosquitoes and other pests; accumulation of organic waste of animals; the growth of tall weeds, grasses and brush which is unsightly, harbors pest,s and increases the hazard of fire; the presence of dilapidated and abandoned shacks and other buildings which are unsightly and imperil the health and safety of children and others going upon the premises; buildings having no provision which is suitable for the discharge of sewage and other organic filth; storage of junk, refuse and other discarded material; partially damaged or destroyed buildings; and occupied and vacant lots upon which building materials, glass, wood, discarded and unused products or machinery, junk or other matter or debris which is unsightly or detrimental to public health, sanitation or safety is allowed to accumulate. It is to the interest of the entire Town that such conditions should not be permitted to exist, and the owner of any lot or real property in the Town shall keep such lot or real property clean and free of such conditions.
Common Nuisance Violations for Property Owners

Tall Grass and Weeds

Unlicensed Vehicles, Boats, Campers

Junk, Trash, Debris

Dilapidated or Abandoned Structures

Living in a Motor Home or RV

Keeping of Livestock or Poultry