Agendas and Minutes

Please note that meeting minutes are not posted until they have been formally approved.  The approval process takes one month.  All Council meetings are recorded via audio.  To obtain a record of a public meeting before minutes have been approved and made available, please contact Town Clerk/Treasurer Willia B. Wright at or 803.854.2152 ext. 201.



Santee Town Council Meeting Agenda


Wednesday, July 3, 2024 - 6:00 p.m.

192 Municipal Way


In compliance with the Freedom Information Act, a copy of the agenda was provided to

the local media and persons requesting information.

​   I.  Call to Order ---------------------------------------------------------- Mayor Donnie L. Hilliard

   II.  Invocation ----------------------------------------------------------------- Councilmember Small

  III.  Pledge of Allegiance

   IV.  Approval of Agenda

    V.  Approval of Minutes-------------------------------------------------------------June 5, 2024

   VI. Acknowledgement ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor

   VII.  Public Comments 

          A.  Agenda Items

          B.  Non-Agenda Items

   VIII. Old Business  


    IX. New Business

             Lake Marion Middle School Proclamation

    X. Mayor's Report 

   XI.  Adjournment





Minutes for June 5th and June 12th Meetings. See link below: 


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